Beauty is good for our health

Beauty, Neuroscience & Architecture: Timeless Patterns & Their Impact on Our Well-Being explores the effect of beauty and timeless patterns on our well-being. Donald H. Ruggles, AIA, follows a legacy of evolution that is visible in our architecture.
A recurring pattern, over thousands of years...

The Pantheon, 120 AD, Apolodorus of Damascus

Fallingwater, 1938, Frank Lloyd Wright
...touches our lives through our unconscious

Beauty is not just in the eye of the beholder. Beauty is deeply rooted in patterns that were established in human prehistory, and that were made material as people gradually created the built environment.
Beauty, Neuroscience & Architecture explores phenomena that condition our response to this built environment.
Beauty is deeper than style

"Beauty is one of the most important emotions in life. Beauty can save the world, one person at a time. I am sure of that." — Renzo Piano, 2017
Read Beauty, Neuroscience & Architecture and join architect Don Ruggles on a path of discovery. His life in architecture has raised some questions for him. He has some answers.
The Book

Case bound in blue cloth with 136 full-color pages including 200 photographs and illustrations.
Ideas from the neuro-architectological community
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