Architectural Knowledge

Architectural Knowledge

The knowledge system for architecture has long come from the historical, philosophical, and social sources. Now it is coming from AI, biology, mathematics, and neuroscience. This body of discovered and tested knowledge remains outside the dominant architectural culture. There are several methods of data gathering for adaptive design. Cumulative findings include design patterns, eye tracking, visual attention scans, information compression …

architecture for architects

Architecture for Architects

Is there a ‘design disconnect’ between the architecture that most architects prefer and the architecture that most non-designers prefer? Francisco Contreras Chávez | CTI, Concepción, ChileDavid Milner2 | Create Streets, London, United Kingdom This article reviews existing literature on the ‘design disconnect’ that appears to exist between architects and the general public. It examines sociological research undertaken in Concepción, Chile into the aesthetic tastes of …